MNiSW instrumental investment project, „Purchase of Raman set for comprehensive
studies of nanostructures and nanocomposites properties”, 2018.
Sonata 12 project, „CVD growth of graphene on Ge substrates with different crystallographic orientation”, NCN; 2017-2020; Kwota dofinansowania:
International project “Carbon nanomaterial enHanced opticAl fibeRs for bioMedical Imaging and seNsinG”; EOS The excellence of science; 2018-2021;
Team-Tech project, „Thermoplastic nanocomposites for effective microwave radiation damping”, FNP; 2017-2020. Leader of the project. Contractors: scientific-industrial consortium, 17 persons.
Techmatstrateg project, „Tunable hiperbolic metamaterials for a new generation of photonic instruments”, NCBR; 2017-2020. Main contractor. Contractors: scientific-
industrial consortium, approx. 8 persons.
Preludium project, „Production and characterization of 2D layersof molybdenum disulfide”, NCN; 2017-2018.
Preludium project, „Production and thermal studies of 2D materials thin films”, NCN; 2016-2018.
Sonata project, „Studies of the influence of structural defectson thermal properties of CVD graphene”, NCN; 2016-2018.
Diamond grant, „Ultrathin 2D materials layers as a novel screen for electromagnetic radiation”, MNiSW; 2015-2018.
Diamond grant, „Studies of the influence of structural defects on thermal properties of CVD graphene”, MNiSW; 2015-2018.
Lider project, „Innovative optoelectronic devices based on 2D crystals”, NCBR; 2015-2018.
Preludium project, „Production and characterization of thin carbon nanotube films”, NCN; 2015-2017.
Graf-Tech project, „Ultrafast graphene photodetectors”, NCBR; 2013-2016. Leader of the project. Contractors: scientific – industrial consortium, approx. 25 persons
Graf-Tech project, „Innovative graphene-titanium engine valves with increased functional properties”, NCBR; 2013-2016. Main contractor – leader of the assignment at PW. Contractors: consortium of two PW faculties
Diamond grant, „Studies of novel 2D nanostructures for nano- and optoelectronics”, MNiSW; 2013-2016.
Investment project within FNiTP, „Apparatus for nanodevices and nanostructures fabrication” DPN-WI-531-10167-3/MK/12; 2012-2013.
European project FP7 – Marie Curie Reintegration Grant (GA 268293); 2010-2013;
Lider project, NCBIR „Novel nanodevices for photovoltaics”, 2011-2014.
Foundation for Polish Science Grant Homing Plus, “Single electron manipulation in nanostructures, 2010-2012.